Decoding India AI: Boosting AI Infrastructure and Innovation

India AI, a groundbreaking initiative approved by the Union Cabinet in March 2024, aims to propel India’s AI capabilities to new heights. From creating robust computing infrastructure to fostering innovation, let’s delve into the key aspects of this mission.

In a significant move, the Union Cabinet approved the ambitious Rs 10,372-crore IndiaAI initiative. This comprehensive mission encompasses several key components: – For detailed information – Click Here

  1. Creating Computing Infrastructure: IndiaAI aims to establish robust computing infrastructure across the country.
  2. AI Centers for Multi-Modal LLMs: These centers will drive research and development in multi-modal language models (LLMs).
  3. 10,000 Graphics Processing Units (GPUs): These powerful chips will enhance AI training and inference capabilities.
India AI
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The Genesis of IndiaAI

The roots of IndiaAI trace back to early 2023 when the government formed seven expert committees. Their task? To chart a comprehensive roadmap for AI policy. Based on their deliberations, a 180-page report emerged, laying the groundwork for IndiaAI.

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AI Chips: The Powerhouses

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State-of-the-art AI chips—graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)—offer unparalleled speed and efficiency. These chips outperform CPUs, making them ideal for training and inference of AI algorithms. IndiaAI proposes government support for AI chip development through public-private partnerships.

GPU Centers: Nurturing Innovation

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To foster innovation, IndiaAI recommends creating computing infrastructure with 24,500 GPUs across 17 centers. These GPUs will empower startups and academia to explore emerging tech areas. Approximately 14,500 GPUs will focus on training AI models, while the remaining 10,000 will enhance AI inferencing capabilities.

AI Marketplaces: Accessibility and Collaboration

IndiaAI leverages AI Marketplaces to democratize AI. By offering AI as a Service (AIaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS), it ensures widespread accessibility. Open-source AI frameworks and libraries further promote vendor-agnostic development, encouraging collaboration.

Funding Deep-Tech AI Startups

The startup financial vertical within IndiaAI provides crucial funding support for deep-tech AI startups. By nurturing these ventures, India aims to drive innovation and create a thriving AI ecosystem.

Some countries investing in AI for boosting AI infrastructure:

Country Name Initiatives/Programs
USA AI for American Industry
China National Intelligence Development Strategy
Japan Society 5.0
South Korea Moon Jae-in Administration’s AI Strategy
UK AI Sector Deal
France French AI Strategy
Germany Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Canada Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy
India National Program on Artificial Intelligence
Australia National AI Strategy


Some countries insights on investment levels:

Country Name Investment Highlights
USA Leads in overall investment with estimates exceeding $300 billion in the last five years, with strong private sector involvement.
China Invested heavily in the past, but the pace might be slowing down. Estimates suggest over $100 billion invested in the last five years, with a focus on government funding.
Japan Public and private investments combined, but specific figures can be difficult to pinpoint. Focus on areas like Society 5.0, aiming for an AI-driven society.
South Korea Significant government funding allocated, but total figures might not be readily available.
UK Strong private sector investment with estimates exceeding $20 billion in the last five years. The government also plays a role through initiatives like the AI Sector Deal.
India AI
Image credits to Microsoft Designer

Q: What is IndiaAI?

A: IndiaAI is a government initiative to boost AI infrastructure and innovation.

Q: Which chips power AI?

A: GPUs, FPGAs, and ASICs are key AI chips.

Q: How many GPUs in IndiaAI centers?

A: IndiaAI has 24,500 GPUs across 17 centers.

Q: What does IndiaAI democratize?

A: AI accessibility through marketplaces.

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